
April 5, 2023

Paging Dr. Melfi: PE Execs Hit the Analyst’s Couch

I was searching for blog topics recently and came across this interesting piece from Institutional Investor about how private equity executives are confiding in their “coaches” over the troubles that they’re facing in the current environment:

Falling private-market valuations and a tougher fundraising environment are starting to weigh on private-equity executives — but those aren’t the only concerns driving more CEOs to seek guidance from outside coaches. Personal coaches to private-equity executives report that their clients are increasingly worried about their impact on their employees, business, and even the world.

“When everything is up and to the right, everyone feels optimistic and gets along. As clouds roll in, these high achievers tighten up and tend to become defensive and argumentative,” executive coach Justin Doyle said.

And a storm is brewing — and in some cases has already arrived, Doyle said. His 20 private-equity clients are using sessions with him to vent their frustrations and worries, freeing up mental space so they can focus on solutions and be more productive at work.

These are definitely tough times for anybody in the deal business, but – and I know I’m a terrible person for admitting this – when I read this article, I could only picture Tony Soprano working through the personal impact of the problems in his, um, “waste management consulting” business with his psychiatrist, Dr. Melfi.

John Jenkins