
March 23, 2022

M&A Securities Compliance: Corp Fin Posts 6 CDIs Addressing M&A Topics

Yesterday, the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance issued a handful of new CDIs relating to M&A topics. Here are links to the individual CDIs & a brief summary of the issues they address:

Exchange Act Form 8-K

CDI #102.04 – The material terms and conditions of an acquisition agreement that should be disclosed in an Item 1.01 Form 8-K.

CDI #102.05 – Whether the acquisition agreement should be filed as an exhibit to the Item 1.01 Form 8-K.

Proxy Rules & Schedules 14A/14C

CDI #101.02 – When a private target that isn’t soliciting its own shareholders may be viewed as engaged in a “solicitation” of the acquirer’s shareholders.

CDI #132.01 – The availability of Rule 14a-12 for communications by a private target under the circumstances described in CDI #101.02.

CDI #132.01 – The availability of Rule 14a-12 for communications by an acquirer relating to a transaction for which the target is soliciting proxies but the acquirer is not.

Tender Offers & Schedules

CDI #166.01 – Guidance on the circumstances under which the Staff will not object to will not object to purchases by the SPAC sponsor or its affiliates outside of the redemption offer.

John Jenkins