August 10, 2009
Getting the Vote In: Rising Use of Automated Advocacy Calls
Recently, the mass media has been noticing the rising use of automated advocacy calls that companies sometimes use to help bring in the vote (recall the rising use of these calls for political elections over the past decade). For example, see this Forbes’ article. This negative attention illustrates the tightrope that companies – and their proxy solicitors – will walk next year when broker votes disappear and the need for these calls increases by a factor of five.
To learn more about automated advocacy calls, I caught up with Tom Ball of Morrow & Co. in this podcast so he could tell us about the latest trends using these voicemails, including asking him:
– What are these automated advocacy calls? How common are they?
– How are the calls best used?
– How much do they cost?
– Who gets hired to do the “voiceovers” for the calls?
I also posted some samples of these voicemails in case you have never heard one: here is one sample voicemail – and here’s another sample).