
May 12, 2009

A Little “Deal Tact” Goes a Long Way

– by John Jenkins, Calfee Halter & Griswold

In my last blog, I talked about some advice given to our firm’s associates during a training session on becoming a seasoned business lawyer conducted by two senior investment bankers from one of our firm’s clients. The first thing they mentioned was the importance of avoiding boorish first drafts. That piece of advice, together with many of the other suggestions they made about things that young lawyers should do or avoid doing, falls under the general heading of the need to be sensitive to the messages that your actions are going to send to the other people involved in the transaction.

You might think that a lot of this stuff would be intuitive, but it doesn’t appear to be that way for lawyers. For instance, one of the specific “don’ts” that our investment banker friends mentioned in their presentation was the seemingly obvious point of not making critical remarks to the client concerning its other advisors. Apparently, that’s something that some lawyers are notorious for doing. Unless your client’s retained Patrick Bateman as its financial advisor, that’s a very bad idea, if for no other reason than what goes around, comes around. Besides, while “plays well with other children” may not be a line item that appears on most law firm or corporate law department evaluation forms, it’s on most clients’ short list of the qualities that they look for in a deal lawyer.

Deal making by its very nature is a group effort, and the ability to work effectively in a transactional setting requires a skill that might be called “deal tact.” The best deal lawyers use this skill not only in their dealings with their own client and fellow advisors, but also in their dealings with those on the other side of the table, and particularly the lawyers who are representing the other side in the deal.

From time to time, I have had a chance to work on transactions with lawyers who have national reputations as M&A advisors. Although their styles differ markedly, deal tact is one quality that they have all shared in common. Let me give you an example of this that I’ve seen many times. During the early stages of the deal, draft documents are often hacked-up pretty significantly by the lawyers receiving them because, well, they sometimes just don’t make any sense. Incompetence or inexperience may be part of the reason for this, but far more frequently, it’s attributable at least in part to an unreasonable time schedule that requires somebody to generate a document before they know what the deal is about.

When this happens, there’s usually a younger lawyer on the deal team who is chomping at the bit to highlight each and every flaw in the document during the course of a negotiation session. This is understandable, since that kid pulled at least one all-nighter finding and correcting every last one of them. The superstar generally doesn’t let this happen. Instead, that lawyer typically will focus his or her attention on the major deal issues while clients are present. When the meeting is about to break-up, the mark-up will be passed on to the other side’s lawyers, usually accompanied by a statement noting that the mark-up includes some “lawyer comments” that aren’t worth wasting the group’s time on. That may be followed up with some sidebar discussions, but the important thing is that nobody loses face in front of their clients.

Now if you know anything about your fellow M&A practitioners, you know that it isn’t a saintly sense of humility that motivates this kind of conduct. Instead, it’s an appreciation for the fact that if you put somebody on the defensive, they’re going to do a couple of things. First, they’re going to try to defend themselves by quibbling with every point you make. Second, they will look for opportunities to stick it to you– and chances are pretty good that they’ll find at least one during the course of the transaction. Neither of these things moves the ball forward.

I’m not suggesting that deal lawyers should always act like Clark Kent — possessing a little deal tact doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play hard ball when appropriate. I’m just saying that Conan the Barbarian shouldn’t be our role model either. I mean, if you really believe that what is best in life is “to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women,” you’d probably be much happier as a litigator anyway.

Every deal presents opportunities for a knowledgeable and experienced deal lawyer to grandstand in front of the client or make somebody on the other side look foolish in front of their client. One of the big things that separates the pros from the pretenders is the ability to resist that temptation in order to move the transaction forward.