January 27, 2009
Corp Fin Issues Updated Interpretations for Going Private Transactions and ’33 Act Rules
Close enough to getting them out by the end of the year as promised, Corp Fin issued two sets of new Compliance & Disclosure Interpretations yesterday – a ’33 Act set and a “going private” transaction set.
The ’33 Act set includes new interps as well as revised interps that were published just a few months ago. The going private set is the first update in that area since ’01. The bracketed date following each interp in both sets is the latest date of publication or revision.
January-February Issue: Deal Lawyers Print Newsletter
This January-February issue of the Deal Lawyers print newsletter was just sent to the printer and includes articles on:
– Time to Install a Pill? Dealing With Rights Plans in a Down Market
– How the New Accounting Standards Will Impact M&A
– Lessons from the Meltdown: MAE Clauses
– Increasing Use of – and Great Opportunities – for Exchange Offers
– Portfolio Company Debt: “Loan to Own” to “Buying Your Own”
– The In-House Perspective: What We Want from Outside Counsel
– A 2008 Review: M&A and Proxy Fights
As all subscriptions are on a calendar-year basis, please renew now to receive this issue. If you’re not yet a subscriber, try a 2009 no-risk trial to get a non-blurred version of this issue for free.