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Schedule TO

Broc & John

John Jenkins & Broc Romanek are Editors of Deallawyers.com

  1. What is a "Schedule TO"?
  2. How much time does it take to prepare one?
  3. Are they prepared by committee?
  4. What's the junior lawyer's role with them?
  5. How does the SEC Staff review them?

You have two choices about how to listen:

  1. Streaming Audio (for faster play)
  2. Download Audio (to place on iPod, etc.)


How to Listen to This Podcast: Simply click on the link above and your computer likely will enable you to listen to the podcast (after a few moments, as Windows Media Player or RealPlayer launches and opens the audio file). If you don't have Windows Media Player or RealPlayer (or a similar software application), you should download one of those audio-players first. Also note that some members choose to download our podcasts to a MP3 player or iPod so that they can listen to the program away from their office.