
February 24, 2017

John Tales: The First Dozen

Here are the first dozen stories that have run in my new “John Tales Blog”:

1. “Strategic Sandbagging – Let the Buyer Beware”
2. “Disclaimers & Limits on Claims Outside the Contract”
3. “Off the Record, On the QT, and Very Hush Hush” – Part I
4. “Off the Record, On the QT, and Very Hush Hush” – Part II
5. “‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Waive’ & The Three Wise Monkeys Problem”
6. “Confidentiality Agreement Practice Points”
7. “I Hate Letters of Intent”
8. “SEC Drops the Hammer as Reminder that Tenders are Different”
9. “Letters of Intent: Practice Points”
10. “Corporate Torts: Just Doing Your Job? You’re Still on the Hook”
11. “Oh, Snap! Do Institutional Investors Really Care About Governance?”
12. “Materiality of Mid-Quarter Results”

Check ’em out.  If you like them, that’s great – insert your email address when you click the “Subscribe” link if you want these precious tales pushed out to you.  If you don’t, for heaven’s sake don’t tell me because my fragile ego couldn’t handle it.

John Jenkins